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Two Lectureships in Physics (Faculty Positions), ... (No replies)
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These Harding Lectureships in Physics are endowed by the David and Claudia Harding Foundation. They are associated with the Winton Programme for the Physics of Sustainability, which supports fundamental physics that could generate the breakthroughs needed to meet the growing demand on our natural resources.
We seek candidates whose research falls within the broad scope of the Programme (see, which covers all aspects of the physics that underpins the generation, storage and use of energy, including experiment, theory and modelling. Candidates' research should fall within the strategic research themes of the Department of Physics (, which include Energy Materials, Emergent Quantum Phenomena, Quantum Devices and Measurements, Assembly and Function of Complex Systems, and Biological and Biomedical Physics. Areas of interest for these positions include, but are not limited to, the physics relevant to photovoltaics, LEDs, batteries, thermoelectrics, quantum technologies for sensing and low-energy computing, superconductivity, spintronics, topological materials and devices, and the study and control of non-equilibrium excited-state processes.
See for further details and information about how to apply. Closing date 18 June 2019.