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Two doctoral student positions in frontiers of m ... (No replies)

7 years ago
plantto 7 years ago

The open doctoral student positions are in the broad field of nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR), in the following specific topics:

  1. Nuclear magneto-optic spectroscopy
  2. Theory of paramagnetic NMR
  3. Computational NMR of materials systems.

The positions are located at the NMR Research Unit (, in the Faculty of Science of University of Oulu, Finland. The positions belong to the new Thule institute ( project Frontiers of Materials NMR, which has received strategic funding from the University of Oulu. 

The length of the positions is four years, from January 1, 2018 to December 31, 2021.

For further information regarding the filling of this post:                    

Professor Juha Vaara, Head of the NMR Research Unit, NMR theory group, University of Oulu, tel. +358-40-196 6658, email: juha.vaara(at) (particularly concerning project 2)

Dr Anu M. Kantola, Experimental NMR group, University of Oulu, tel. +358-29-448 1303, email: anu.kantola(at) (project 1)

Docent Perttu Lantto, NMR theory group, University of Oulu, tel. +358-29-448 1312, email: perttu.lantto(at) (project 3)

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Ab initio (from electronic structure) calculation of complex processes in materials