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Three Postdoctral Positions Available in Computa ... (No replies)

6 years ago
maytalc 6 years ago

Three Postdoctral Positions Available in Computational Materials/Chemistry at the Technion, Israel
1. Joint Israel-Italian Postdoctoral Position – intended for holding a PhD from an Italian university
2. French Embassy Postdoctoral Position – intended for holding a PhD from France or Europe under the age of 28 years, have fluent French and English, and have a French or European nationality.
3. PBC Postdoctoral Fellowship – intended for holding a PhD from India or China.
A computational research group is seeking postdoctoral fellows to conduct research in the field of solar energy conversion. The position is open in the group of Prof. Maytal Caspary-Toroker from the Department of Materials Science and Engineering at the Technion - Israel Institute of Technology. The candidate should have completed a PhD in the field of computational chemistry or physics and has experience with electronic structure methods.
More details on the first joint Israel-Italian postdoctoral program is provided below. This fellowship is sponsored by the Israel Center of Excellence (I-CORE) Solar Fuels and the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs in the framework of the Italian-Israeli Agreement on Industrial, Scientific and Technological Cooperation (ENEA). Its objective is to strengthen the bi-national cooperation in science and technology between Italy and Israel. The postdoctoral salary is therefore above the average granted at the Israeli Institute. The grant covers all travel and subsistence expenses for the duration of the fellowship and assistance with visas and housing will be provided.
Fellowships will be granted to young Italian postdocs coming from Universities and Research Institutions throughout the country to help open new paths towards excellence for young researchers, some of whom will eventually join the Italian research system.
The main objective of the “I-CORE Solar Fuels” is the R&D on innovative technologies for the generation of clean, efficient energy from renewable sources. Its research directions include biomass generation, solar water splitting technology as well as CO2 reduction, and the exploration of how molecular building blocks such as H2, CO, CO2, methanol and ethanol can be converted into larger, liquid fuel molecules. The I-CORE provides an unparalleled opportunity to advance this field on a national scale, through fruitful cooperation among institutions, and to leverage research in Israel and abroad. It is an important step towards the development of alternative fuels and reducing global dependence on oil.
Prof. Maytal Caspary Toroker
e-mail: [email protected]
Information required: CV and two letters of recommendation before October 15th.


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Ab initio (from electronic structure) calculation of complex processes in materials