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Three postdoctoral positions in multi-scale mode ... (No replies)
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The University of Southampton, a leading Russell Group University located on the south coast of the UK, invites applications to fill three Research vacancies in the area of multi-scale modelling of batteries. This major initiative, spanning three faculties, builds on the long-standing reputation of the University in the field and is fully integrated with national activities.
Specifically, we have opportunities for world-class talent to:
The positions are tenable from 1 March 2018, initially for 18 months, with opportunity to extend to up to three years subject to funding.
Depending on your project(s) of interest, you are advised to contact Professor Chris-Kriton Skylaris ([email protected]), Dr Denis Kramer ([email protected]) or Dr Giles Richardson ([email protected]) for additional information before submitting your application.
Information on how to apply can be found here: