Job announcements relevant to people interested in electronic structure calculations…
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Three postdoc positions in computational chemist ... (No replies)
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The Sections for Atomic Scale Materials Modelling at DTU Energy and Cognitive Systems at DTU Compute, Technical University of Denmark (DTU), are looking for outstanding candidates for three 2-year postdoc positions within the fields of computational chemistry and machine learning for molecular science. The research positions are part of the Novo Nordisk Foundation Exploratory Interdisciplinary Synergy Programme: Self-correcting Unsupervised Reaction Energies (SURE), which brings together researchers from DTU Energy and DTU Compute.
Project descriptions
The successful candidates will use electronic structure modelling (e.g. DFT and wave function methods) and machine learning algorithms to develop a framework for uncertainty-aware prediction of chemical reaction networks. The framework development will consist of the following postdoc projects:
The three projects will be carried out in close collaboration between the two sections and linked to other ongoing projects in the sections working on clean energy materials and machine learning for accelerated materials discovery.
Candidates should hold a PhD or equivalent degree in computer science, physics, chemistry or materials science. The candidate must have a strong background in computational chemistry, physics or materials science and/or machine learning, and are expected to have performed original scientific research within the relevant fields listed above for the specific position(s). Moreover, the successful candidate:
Further information
If you need further information concerning these positions, please contact Prof. Tejs Vegge at [email protected] or Professor Ole Winther at
Please do not send applications to these e-mail addresses, instead apply online as described below.
We must have your online application by 20 January 2020.
To view the full announcement and to apply: