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Theory PhD positions in Materials Science/Applie ... (No replies)

6 years ago
battiato 6 years ago

One or more theory PhD positions are available for the January 2019 intake in the group of Nanyang Assistant Professor Marco Battiato at the Nanyang Technological University in Singapore.

Nanyang Technological University (NTU) in Singapore is a young research-intensive university that has invested enormously in research in the past years. In spite of its very young age, it is ranked in 2019 QS World ranking as 12th best university in the world; and 3rd best for materials science. 

NTU offers great and modern facilities and a vast access to fundings and career opportunities. 

The research will focus on

- the development of a massively parallel solver for the Boltzmann equation for strongly out-of-equilibrium states in real band structures and extended heterostructures;

- the study of ultrafast spin transport in metals and semiconductors;

- absorption and production of THz radiation in heterostructures;

- thermalisation dynamics and transport in topological insulators and perovskites.

The candidate should have a degree in Physics, Mathematics or Engineering, and is required to be highly motivated and with a strong interest in theoretical and/or computational physics and/or mathematics. Fluency in English is required.

Please include a brief cover letter with interests (physics vs mathematics, analytic vs numeric), curriculum vitae, list of grades from university courses, pdf of thesis (if ready), one or two references for recommendation letters.

Send applications to: [email protected]

For more information:

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Ab initio (from electronic structure) calculation of complex processes in materials