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PhD position: Theoretical study of charge, spin ... (No replies)
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A fully-funded 4-year theoretical/computational PhD studentship is available to study charge, spin and valley transport phenomena in 2D systems.
The aim of the project is to investigate the interplay of charge and topological currents using a combination of quantum-transport methodology and algorithmic approaches to optimize the design of large-scale heterostructures.
The project is supervised by Dr. Stephen Power at the School of Physics, Trinity College Dublin, and is suitable for students with an interest in 2D materials, nanoelectronics, spintronics and computational physics.
The project will involve significant work with computational methods, and familiarity with scientific simulation using Python, C or similar is essential. Previous experience with electronic structure theory and/or quantum transport techniques is highly desirable, but not essential. Experience with data-driven approaches, e.g. machine learning, is a bonus.
A tax-free stipend of €16,000/year will support the student. Eligible candidates should be Irish or EU citizens, and hold a 4 year Batchelors or 3 year Batchelors + Masters degree in physics, nanotechnology or a related field – preferably with a significant theoretical or computational component.
The selected candidate will be expected to begin in Dublin in September 2018.
Please contact [email protected] with your CV, and contact details of 2 references, if you are interested in this position, or for additional information about the project.