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Tenured/Tenure Track Faculty Positions in Artifi ... (No replies)
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In partnership with IBM, Rensselaer is creating a new research cluster in the area of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) spanning fundamental research to domain specific applications. We seek outstanding candidates at all ranks (assistant, associate, and full professor) who will build upon our existing strengths in these and related areas across the five Schools at Rensselaer, including the School of Science. Successful candidates will have primary academic appointments in appropriate departments, depending upon the candidate’s background, interests, and the potential for collaboration.
Candidates with strong Physics research backgrounds as well as a track record in AI/ML development within any subfield of Physics are encouraged to apply. Possible application areas include (but are not limited to) computational physics, condensed matter, lattice-gauge theory, astronomy, statistical mechanics, or complex systems/networks.
Interested individuals should contact Prof. Shengbai Zhang (below) and use the following link to apply:
Questions pertaining to the AI/ML research effort in competitive physics subfields may be directed towards:
Shengbai Zhang
Kodosky Constellation Chair Professor of Physics
Department of Physics, Applied Physics, and Astronomy
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
110 8th Street
Troy, NY 12180-3590
[email protected]