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Tenure track professorships in Computational Phy ... (No replies)

7 years ago
esa 7 years ago

The Faculty of Natural Sciences at Tampere University of Technology is inviting applications for 1-2 Tenure Track Professorships in Computational Physics, especially in materials and condensed matter physics and/or physics of complex systems.

FILL APPLICATION FORM, Deadline 1st December 2017 (10 pm UTC)

Tampere University of Technology (TUT) is an active scientific community of 1,700 employees and 8,300 students. The University operates in the form of a foundation and has a long-standing tradition of collaboration with other research institutions and industry. Many of the fields of research and study represented at the University play a key role in addressing global challenges. Internationality is an integral part of all our activities. Welcome to join us at TUT!

Computational Science is one of the cornerstones of modern scientific research, and it is used everywhere: in mobile phones, cars, health care, transport logistics, and weather forecasts. Modelling and simulations have an increasing role in fundamental sciences, and they are also pivotal in the analysis, interpretation and exploitation of Big Data in multidisciplinary challenges. At TUT, Computational Science is a strategic focus area in the Faculty of Science. It includes mathematical and physical modelling, numerical simulations of materials and nanosystems, inverse problems, optimization, and advanced data analysis with logical methods and machine learning. The application areas are diverse, ranging from quantum devices to economics and health diagnostics.

Job Description

We are seeking scientific excellence and potential broadly in these fields, regardless of the specific subfield. However, potential areas of specialization include:

  • Computational molecular and materials physics
  • Chemical and biological physics
  • Light-matter interaction
  • Quantum theory & devices
  • Nonlinear and statistical physics
  • Multidisciplinary computational physics (Big Data, energy production, etc.)

Our current activities in Computational Physics cover a broad range of topics related to material and molecular modelling, electronic structure theory, quantum control and dynamics, low-dimensional physics, biophysics, and multidisciplinary challenges in, for example, health diagnostics.

The position will be filled at the level of Assistant Professor (1st term), Assistant Professor (2nd term) or Associate Professor based on the experience and expertise of the successful candidate. However, we encourage excellent researchers of all levels of scientific seniority to apply.



The successful candidate is expected to:

  • conduct and supervise scientific research lead, provide and develop education
  • acquire external funding
  • participate in the activities of the national and international scientific communities
  • interact with society
  • commit to the strategy of Tampere University of Technology

We are looking for candidates who demonstrate excellent future potential at their respective career stage and have the ability to establish independent world-class research activities at TUT. All candidates considered for a tenure track position are expected to:

  • hold an applicable doctoral degree,
  • demonstrate the capacity for independent scholarly activity,
  • possess the teaching skills required for the successful performance of their duties, and
  • have the ability to collaborate in a multidisciplinary university environment and with industry.

Depending on the tenure track level, we expect candidates to either have a track record or demonstrated potential to secure external research funding and to possess excellent academic credentials. We also expect candidates to have the competence to develop, lead and maintain a high-quality research group leading to national and international recognition. For more information on the criteria for tenure track appointments, please go to: => Tenure track.

Candidates may be invited to a video interview during the first stage of the recruitment process. Short-listed candidates will be invited to TUT for a personal interview with the Tenure Track Working Group and an aptitude assessment. Appointees to the rank of Associate Professor will also be expected to undergo a review by external experts and give a trial lecture to demonstrate their teaching skills.


We offer

The positions of Assistant Professor and Associate Professor are filled for a fixed-term period of four years. The length of the fixed-term period is based on the University's tenure track system. Salaries are based on the job demands and employees' personal performance in accordance with the Finnish University Salary System. In addition, TUT has implemented bonus systems. The appointment is subject to satisfactory completion of a trial period of four months. The expected start date will be agreed upon with the candidates.

We offer the successful candidate the opportunity to join a world-class research environment that actively supports the careers of young proessionals and collaborates with a large number of leading groups around the world. We also offer assistance for setting up a research group. The extent and conditions of the funding will be discussed with the candidates during the recruitment process. The University offers a wide range of staff benefits, such as occupational health care, flexible working hours, excellent campus sports facilities, and several campus restaurants and cafes with staff discounts.

For more information, please go to => Careers at TUT.

TUT is ranked 1st in Finland and 30th in the world among the young universities (TOPUNIVERSITIES 2017). Tampere is the largest inland city in the Nordic countries and one of three most rapidly growing regions in Finland. Today, the city is best known for its high tech expertise and extensive know-how in various fields. The city is an industrial powerhouse that enjoys a rich cultural scene and a reputation as a centre of Finland's information society (

Finland provides one of the most advanced and comprehensive welfare systems in the world. It includes sickness, maternity, paternity and various family benefits, such as child-care services, and a comprehensive healthcare system.

How to apply

Applications must be submitted through the University's online employment system. The closing date for applications is 1st December 2017 (10 pm UTC). All applications and supporting documents should be written in English. Applications should include the following documents prepared according to TUT's instructions:

  1. Curriculum Vitae
  2. Research plan
  3. List of publications
  4. Teaching portfolio
  5. References

Please use the PDF format for the appendices.


For more information, please contact Prof. Esa Räsänen, E-Mail: esa.rasanen(at) If you have questions about the recruitment process, please contact HR specialist Riikka Hyörinen +358 40 849 0664, E-Mail: riikka.hyorinen(at)

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Ab initio (from electronic structure) calculation of complex processes in materials