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Tenure-Track Professorship in Theoretical Chemis ... (No replies)

7 years ago
twehling 7 years ago

The University of Bremen is seeking to appoint seven tenure track professorships in 2018 that are funded by the joint programme for advancing young researchers by the Federal Republic of Germany and the States of Germany. One of these posts will be established at the Faculty of Biology and Chemistry with a starting date at the earliest possible moment:


Tenure-Track Professorship
(W1 with Tenure-Track leading to W2)

Initially as a temporary civil servant

For the subject of


Theoretical Chemistry


Reference: JP 529/18


The professorship is initially bestowed for a limited period of three years and will be extended for a further three years after a successful intermediate evaluation that offers further orientation. After a total of 6 years at the most, a further evaluation will take place that, if successful, will lead to a lifetime professorship (W2). To provide an optimal environment for the candidate to establish themselves scientifically, it is guaranteed that the teaching load will increased in a graduated fashion.

We are looking for a personality who can demonstrate to have gained first experience in independent teaching and has already become visible through their research. You should represent the subject of theoretical chemistry in research and teaching.


Methodologically, you should have expertise in the development and application of current theoretical chemical methods, preferably in the field of wave-function-based methods. This includes the use of these methods to describe the properties (structures, spectroscopic properties) and interactions of complex molecular structures, solids and surfaces as well as the e.g. thermally, photochemically or catalytically triggered chemical processes in these systems. In your role as a professor for theoretical chemistry, you should contribute to the further development of the area of chemistry and to the profile development of the department. We expect you to be willing and to enjoy collaborations within the faculty, the material sciences and the university as well as with regard to joint research initiatives.


As the holder of the position, you will be required to offer courses in chemistry in the Bachelor's and Master's degree programs in German (at least fluent after three years) and in international Master's programs in English. It is also desirable to use media-based forms of learning as well as participation in the concept of "research-based study".


In addition to a pleasant collegial working atmosphere, we offer a lively scientific environment in which collaborations can thrive both within the field as well as in an interdisciplinary context. In return, we expect the active participation in international networking as well as the willingness to obtain third-party funding for research projects.


The admission requirements include an accepted university degree in chemistry and an outstanding doctorate degree that should not lie back more than 5 years. The appointment of the post will be based on § 18a BremHG and § 117 BremBG. Applicants who have already earned their Ph. D. degree at the University of Bremen should have held an appointment at another university or research facility after completing their doctorate and should worked for at least two years outside the University of Bremen.


The university offers a variety of services to support new recruits such as a Welcome Center, childcare and dual career opportunities, as well as staff development and training opportunities.


The University of Bremen aims to increase the proportion of women in science. It has won multiple awards in gender equality programs and it is certified as a family-friendly university. Women scientists are urged to apply. International applications and applications from researchers with a migration background are explicitly welcomed. Severely handicapped applicants with essentially the same professional and personal suitability are given priority in the appointment process.


Applications comprised of the usual documents, including a research and teaching concept, are to be submitted by the Mai 21st 2018 stating reference code given above and name should be sent to: University of Bremen, Department 2, Prof. Dr. Thorsten M. Gesing, PO Box 33 04 40, 28334 Bremen or electronically in one pdf-file to [email protected]

The University informs about the status of appointment processes and appointment negotiations:

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Ab initio (from electronic structure) calculation of complex processes in materials