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Tenure Track Position at University of L'Aq ... (No replies)
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The department of Physical and Chemical Sciences at University of L'Aquila, invites applicants for a tenure-track position in the field of Condensed Matter Theory.
The Researcher will have to carry out his institutional didactic load of 60 hours/year for the coverage of University teaching in the S.S.D. FIS/03.
He will have to carry out supplementary teaching activities to support the students of the degree course and master's degree (international in English) in Physics. The Researcher will conduct research in the Department of Physical and Chemical Sciences on topics of theoretical physics of matter conducted in collaboration with the local CNR-SPIN section such as nonlinear optics, photonics or calculations of the electronic structure of innovative materials from prime principles.
Deadline: 20.09.2018
For more information please contact people of the department of Physical and Chemical Sciences: