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Tenure Track Position at Napoli University " ... (No replies)
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The Physics Department "Ettore Pancini" of "Federico II" University invites applicants for a tenure-track position in the field of Condensed Matter Theory.
Research Tasks: "Development of models and innovative computational approaches to describe
superconductive and / or hybrid solid state materials and devices. These studies will be based on effective low energy models and / or atomistic methods. The objectives concern the study of basic phenomena and the modeling of devices relevant for applications to quantum technologies. "
Didactic tasks: teaching duties, frontal teaching, integrative teaching (exercises) and verification of learning in the field of physics courses for Degree courses, Master's Degree and Ph.D. coordinated by the Physics Department or by other departments, on the basis of the annual didactic program of the Physics Department, and possible further tasks of service to students, such as orientation and alteration, also to support preparation Degree and Doctoral thesis"
More information can be found at:
Deadline: 25.02.2019