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Tenure-track position at CWI (Amsterdam) in the ... (No replies)

4 years ago
bjbraams 4 years ago

On behalf of Professor Harry Buhrman I like to inform members of this mailing list about an opportunity for a tenure-track position in the area of quantum algorithms and applications of quantum computers at Centrum Wiskunde & Informatica (CWI) in Amsterdam.

QuSoft is the Dutch research Center for Quantum Software that was launched in 2015. Its mission is to develop new communication protocols, algorithms, and applications for small and medium-sized prototypes as well as larger quantum computers. The researchers at QuSoft develop software and applications that exploit the extraordinary power of quantum computers based on their quantum mechanical properties such as superposition, interference and entanglement.

This position is established as part of the Quantum Software Consortium (QSC) program, a 10-year grant funded by the Dutch Ministry of Education, Culture and Science through the Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research. QSC is hosted by three research clusters: Leiden University, QuSoft (collaboration of the University of Amsterdam, the Dutch national research institute for mathematics and computer science CWI, and Free University Amsterdam) and the Delft institute QuTech (a collaboration between Delft University of Technology and the Netherlands Organization for Applied Scientific Research TNO).

The successful candidate is expected to contribute to the aims of the QSC program ( for the duration of the grant, and in particular to find synergy with related research in the quantum algorithms research directions at QuSoft.

You will get a start-up package consisting of a PhD and a postdoc position, to enable a quick start of your research program. The appointment will be on a tenure-track basis with the prospect of a tenured position following a successful evaluation after maximally 5 years.

More details and application instructions are on the CWI web pages at > Working at CWI > Current Vacancies.

B. J. Braams for Professor Buhrman

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Ab initio (from electronic structure) calculation of complex processes in materials