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Tenure-Track Faculty Position in Theoretical/Com ... (No replies)
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The Department of Physics at Wake Forest University is seeking applications for a tenure-track position to begin July 2020. Applicants must hold a Ph.D. in Physics or a related area and are expected to have a strong commitment to both teaching and research. The Department is searching for candidates whose research is in the area of Theoretical and/or Computational Condensed Matter Physics with a focus on materials. Exceptional candidates in other fields may be considered. Candidates with research interests complementary to those of current Wake Forest Physics faculty, as well as those who can interact with other departments such as Engineering and/or Computer Science, are especially encouraged to apply. We expect to fill the position at the Assistant Professor level, but exceptional candidates may be considered at other ranks. A successful candidate will teach courses at the undergraduate and graduate levels and establish a vigorous and externally supported research program.
Founded in 1834, the University is ranked among the top 30 US national universities. The Physics Department is a Ph.D.-granting department whose mission is to perform internationally recognized research and to excel in undergraduate and graduate education. Opportunities for multi-disciplinary collaborations exist with several centers: the Center for Functional Materials, the Center for Nanotechnology and Molecular Materials, and the Center for Energy, Environment, and Sustainability. Opportunities are also available through the newly established Wake Forest Innovation Quarter in downtown Winston-Salem, one of the fastest-growing urban technology innovation districts in the United States. Also, many collaborations exist among our faculty and faculty at the Medical School (WFU Health Sciences).
The application package should be submitted in a single PDF which contains in the following order: 1) a letter of application, including the names and contact information of at least three references, 2) a current curriculum vitae, 3) a statement of research plans (maximum of 5 pages), and 4) a statement of teaching philosophy (maximum of 3 pages). Applications accepted online at Review of applications will begin on November 1st and continue until the position is filled.
Wake Forest University welcomes and encourages diversity and inclusivity, and seeks applicants with demonstrated success in working with diverse populations. Wake Forest University is an AA/EO employer and values an inclusive and diverse learning community and campus climate.