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Tenure Stream Faculty Position at Dalhousie Univ ... (No replies)
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Department Of Physics And Atmospheric Science
The Department of Physics & Atmospheric Science invites applications for appointment to a tenure stream Assistant, Associate, or full Professor position from outstanding candidates with expertise in theoretical and/or computational research in the areas of either condensed matter physics or materials physics that complement or extend the strengths of our department ( This position is part of the Dalhousie Diversity Faculty Award (DDFA) program. In keeping with the principles of Employment Equity, the DDFA program aims to correct historic underrepresentation. This position is restricted to candidates who self-identify in one (or more) of the following groups: Aboriginal people or racially visible persons.
Applicants are required to have a PhD, postdoctoral or equivalent experience, demonstrated excellence in research, and strong potential for effective teaching and outreach. The successful candidate must be positioned to build a sustainable research group, and capable of teaching both undergraduate and graduate classes in theoretical physics.
Dalhousie is one of the top Universities in Canada. Members of the Department are holders of prestigious research chairs including Canada Research Chairs, NSERC Industrial Research Chairs, Killam Professorships and recently also the NSERC Herzberg Gold Medal – Canada’s highest prize in science and engineering.
The Department values strong teaching and outreach. Several faculty members have won teaching awards at the faculty, university or national level as well as national awards for their outreach initiatives. Teaching is supported through resources such as the Centre for Learning
and Teaching ( We foster diversity and inclusiveness through initiatives such as the Imhotep’s Legacy Academy ( and faculty-sponsored scholarships for historically underrepresented groups, in support of access for First Nations and African Canadian communities.
Halifax is the largest city in Atlantic Canada, and offers an outstanding quality of life. Dalhousie
benefits include spousal hiring and parental leave plans for faculty.
Applications will be reviewed starting November 1st, 2018 until the position is filled. Applications
will consist of a cover letter, a curriculum vitae including publication list, a research plan that is
3 – 4 pages in length, a statement of teaching and outreach interests and experience, at least
three confidential letters of reference forwarded under separate cover by the referees, and a
completed Self-Identification Questionnaire, which can be found at
Applications should be emailed to [email protected] c/o Chair of Theoretical Physics Search