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Tenure researcher, postdoc & PhD positions a ... (No replies)

Yoshitaka Tateyama
6 years ago
Yoshitaka Tateyama 6 years ago

The group of Dr./Prof. Yoshitaka Tateyama at Interface Computational Science (IFCS) Group, National Institute for Materials Science (NIMS), Tsukuba, Japan, has several open positions for tenure researcher, postdocs & PhD students. The group is at the forefront in computational studies on battery and catalyst phenomena, in particular interfacial processes on the electronic and atomic scales,  on the basis of electrochemistry, interface science as well as DFT sampling techniques.


Please find the details on the web pages linked below.


(1) Tenure researcher position in multiscale computational materials science in NIMS (Official application deadline is 19 June 2019)


(2) Postdoc positions in computational and data-driven science on battery & catalyst, and electrochemistry & interface(surface) science


(3) PhD positions in computational science on energy conversion and storage as well as polymer, solution, amorphous materials etc. through the graduate schools of “Waseda Univ.” or “Tokyo Inst. Tech.” in Tokyo, Japan (Until the positions are occupied by appropriate persons.)


Further enquiries can be directed to Dr. Yoshitaka Tateyama ([email protected]).


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Ab initio (from electronic structure) calculation of complex processes in materials