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Software engineer in Barcelona (MaX Center of Ex ... (No replies)

6 years ago
Zeila 6 years ago

The Theory and Simulation Group at ICN2 (Barcelona) is offering a software engineer position to work on an interdisciplinary project, developed by ICN2 ( and the Barcelona Supercomputing Center ( on cutting edge HPC applications. Specifically, the contract is tied to a European Project (the MaX Center of Excellence on Materials Design at the eXascale ) and will be temporary.

The candidate will work on the optimization and porting to high-performance hardware of SIESTA ( one of the most popular Open Source software for materials science. The candidate will work in close cooperation with the core developers of the code to

  • Develop and optimize code using state-of-the-art programming models and distributed paradigms.

  • Explore the behavior of the applications on new emerging HPC hardware.

  • Coordinate work with other developers of the software.

Please apply via the ICN2 web site: 


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Ab initio (from electronic structure) calculation of complex processes in materials