Job announcements relevant to people interested in electronic structure calculations…
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SIMUNE is hiring. Immediate job opening for a SI ... (No replies)
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SIMUNE is a company expert in atomistic simulations offering advanced atomic-scale simulation solutions to companies and technological organisations. We are currently offering a two-year position to develop industrial oriented solutions based on the popular SIESTA code.
We are looking for a talented individual with strong competence in software development and its implementation in industrial oriented solutions and experience on performing complex simulations for novel materials with DFT codes.
Experience and interest in the following will be highly valued:
Desired qualifications and skills:
We offer:
The possibility to work in the development of an innovative business project in a
highly technological field. This represents an excellent opportunity for personal and professional growth in a highly international organization that has the potential to become a leader in the field.
Inquiries and applications shall be sent to: [email protected]