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Shanghai University faculty, postdoc and PhD ope ... (No replies)

2 years ago
icqms 2 years ago

Shanghai University faculty, postdoc and PhD openings

Shanghai University ( is seeking outstanding investigators for full-time PhD, postdoc and faculty positions in Computational Condensed Matter Physics and Quantum Materials Science, at all the ranks of Assistant Professor through Full professor. Candidates will be part of the International Centre for Quantum and Molecular Structures (ICQMS) and Department of Physics, Shanghai University.

We are seeking candidates of exceptional scientific talent with demonstrated success in the development and/or application of density-functional theory (DFT) and/or first principles related approaches to applications in Condensed Matter Physics and/or Quantum Materials Science. The primary objective is the development and application of DFT-based methods for

(1) magnetic and ferroelectric materials (e.g. perovskites);

(2) two-dimensional layered and topological quantum materials;

(3) materials informatics and design, spintronics, and quantum transport.

Faculty and postdoc positions require a PhD in Physics, Chemistry, Materials or a related discipline. Successful candidates will be expected to raise external grant funding, supervise post-graduate PhD and Master students, give graduate and undergraduate lectures in English, participate in activities of the Department of Physics at Shanghai University, and carry out scientific collaborations.

Shanghai University is a well-funded, internationally connected, rapidly raising University with a strong profile in Physics and Materials Science, and indeed is a central player in the extensive Chinese Materials Genome Initiative (MGI) project, to which ICQMS will contribute. The negotiable anticipated start date is as soon as possible, or until the positions are filled. Shanghai University is an Equal Opportunity Employer and all persons are encouraged to apply. The positions come with generous salary and benefits packages, as well as with sufficient research and travel support guaranteed for startup. Applicants should send their curriculum vitae including lists of publications, summaries of their research interests, summaries of research proposals, lists of prizes and awards, summaries of teaching, community service and administrative experience, and have three reference letters sent directly to Prof. Wei Ren: [email protected] 


任伟,上海大学物理系教授、上海大学量子与分子结构国际中心ICQMS创建者、上海大学钱伟长学院副院长。香港大学物理系博士,曾任香港科技大学博士后和美国阿肯色大学研究助理教授。研究领域包括量子材料设计、凝聚态物理、纳米电子学、钙钛矿和石墨烯、二维及拓扑材料、量子电子输运、第一原理计算研究等,至2022年共发表学术论文200多篇,(包括12Phys. Rev. Lett.50Phys. Rev. B1Science1Nature6Nature子刊等)。解决了狄拉克和外尔拓扑共存、铁电畴壁应变工程、极化涡旋磁电调控、自旋霍尔电导涨落等科学问题。担任上海大学学报等期刊编委,NaturePRL等期刊评审人,国际晶体学会数学理论分会委员。主持国家自然科学基金国际重点、面上项目、国际合作等多个科研项目,入选国家级人才计划、教育部霍英东青年教师奖、上海市教委、科委等人才项目,参与负责国家科技部青年973、上海市材料基因组工程。20149月主持成立上海大学量子与分子结构国际中心ICQMS并担任执行主任。研究团队国际接轨、经费充足、课题丰富,在物理、化学、材料、电子工程、纳米科技和人工智能高性能计算等领域展开前沿研究。

联系方式:Email: [email protected]   

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Ab initio (from electronic structure) calculation of complex processes in materials