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Job announcements relevant to people interested in electronic structure calculations…

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Several positions in Big-Data Materials Science (No replies)

5 years ago
claudia 5 years ago

We offer several positions for advancing the NOMAD (Novel Materials Discovery) Laboratory. The work concerns the development of an international research-data infrastructure for advanced big-data-driven materials science, artificial intelligence, and a materials encyclopedia.

The successful candidates will be embedded in an international endeavor, linking data initiatives within Europe, the US, China, and Korea.

The NOMAD Laboratory ( has recently joined the FAIR Data Infrastructure Association ( representing its computational-materials-science pillar. Under the umbrella of FAIR-DI, we are expanding towards experimental data and multi-scale approaches. NOMAD with its FAIR data infrastructure represents an Implementation Network of GoFAIR (, aiming at a practical implementation of the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC) towards a global Internet of FAIR Data & Services.

The ideal candidate should have experience in large code-development projects (e.g. for any of the electronic-structure codes) and programming in Python, FORTRAN, and/or C++. Knowledge in databases (elastic search, mongo db, Postgres) and cloud computing are appreciated, as are very good English and communication skills.

Highly motivated, excellent candidates are encouraged to send their application, including a motivation letter, to [email protected] and [email protected]. The positions are currently limited to 2 years, but we expect that we can offer a long-term perspective thereafter.

Looking forward to welcome new members in our international and interdisciplinary team,
Claudia Draxl and Matthias Scheffler

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Ab initio (from electronic structure) calculation of complex processes in materials