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Several PhD positions at the University of Oulu, ... (No replies)

2 years ago
asaaravindh 2 years ago

I4WORLD - Imaging and Characterization for a Sustainable World (2022-2027) is a new doctoral program within a well-established doctoral training environment at the University of Oulu in Finland co-funded by the European Union’s Horizon Europe research and innovation program’s Marie Skłodowska-Curie Action Co-funding of regional, national, and international programs (COFUND).

Within this program, there are 5 doctoral opportunities that combine experiments, first principles simulations and machine learning techniques,  and the positions are primarily located in Nano and molecular systems research unit ( NANOMO), University of Oulu and secondment is planned in reputed international institutes.

  1. Simulation-and-implementation-of-novel-electrocatalyst-materials-for-sustainable-hydrogen-production, in collaboration with Chalmers Institute of Technology, Sweden
  2. Defect-studies-in-high-nickel-lithium-ion-cathodes-combining-experiments-and-high-throughput-simulations in collaboration with LUT-Lappenranta, Finland and Research unit of sustainable chemistry SusChem), University of Oulu
  3. Investigation-of-steel-slag-activated-CO2-capture-and-conversion-by-multi-scale-modelling-and-machine-learning-techniques, in collaboration with Prof. Poulumi Dey, TU Delft, Netherlands and Prof. Michael Nolan, Tyndall National Institute, Cork, Ireland
  4. The-role-of-co2-in-extracting-critical-raw-materials, in collaboration with Oulu mining school and Abö academy, Finland
  5. Development-of-novel-2d-materials-and-van-der-waals-heterostructures-for-green-hydrogen-production-combining-experiments-and-first-principles-methods in collaboration with Professor Claude Monney, University of Friborg, Switerland 

For more details and application process, visit the website,

Enquiries can be addressed to Prof. Matti Alatalo, [email protected] and  Dr. S. Assa Aravindh, [email protected]





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Ab initio (from electronic structure) calculation of complex processes in materials