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Senior research position (director of research 1 ... (No replies)

8 years ago
(unknown) 8 years ago

In 2017 the French national organization for research (CNRS) will open a
senior research position (director of research 1st class, DR1) within
Section 02, Theoretical Physics: methods, models and applications. This
Section covers all aspects of theoretical physics including fundamental
interactions and high-energy physics, mathematical physics, condensed
matter, statistical and non-linear physics and applications, as well as
experiments on fundamental aspects of non-linear and statistical
physics. For further details see:

The post is a tenured, full-time research position, open to candidates
with a proven track record in fundamental research at the highest level
and with at least 12 years of post-doctoral research experience. The
appointment can be taken up in any one of the research laboratories in
France whose activities are compatible with and supported by Section 02
of the CNRS.  It is expected that candidates will make contact directly
with the laboratory of their choice, assuring that their research
programme is compatible with its scientific aims and ambitions. For a
list of laboratories, see:
(choose "2" for the field "Section", then press "Rechercher" at the

Applications for the position may be submitted from December 1st, 2016  to
January 6, 2017. More details on the application procedure can be  found
on the CNRS web site:
(see page bottom: "Site du concours chercheurs")

For any inquiries please contact the President of the search committee
Peter Holdsworth, [email protected]

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Ab initio (from electronic structure) calculation of complex processes in materials