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Senior postdoctoral researcher - MAPEX Center fo ... (No replies)
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Within the programme 'Materials on Demand' funded by the federal state of Bremen, the MAPEX Center for Materials and Processes is offering - under the condition of job release – a position for a
senior postdoctoral researcher at the German TV-L 14 payscale.
The position will initially be limited to three years, with the option of an extension for further two years.
If successful, the candidate will perform and lead research into the rational design of novel structural materials based on high-throughput data stemming from multiscale simulations, possibly complemented by experimental analysis. A major focus will be the combination of physical models with state-of-the art materials informatics methods to support the synthesis and manufacturing of materials subjected to harsh conditions. Examples of applications may include radiation-resistant materials, refractory alloys, high-temperature polymers, abrasion- resistant coatings, light-weight corrosion-resistant metals, etc.
Tasks include, but are not limited to:
the strategic development and implementation of interdisciplinary projects in the above-mentioned field of research, including the acquisition of third-party funds as well as corresponding international publication and lecturing activities;
the coordination and conceptual support of a structured graduate programme in the area of demand-oriented materials design and fabrication;
the supervision and support of early career researchers and students;
independent science-based teaching in BSc and MSc degree programmes.
Required skills and experience comprise
a completed PhD in the field of engineering, natural sciences, computer science, or applied mathematics;
research experience at the postdoctoral level, documented by a solid publication record and, ideally, the acquisition of third-party funding;
intrinsic motivation and keen research interest;
strong drive to work with and support early-career researchers;
excellent cooperation and communication skills and ability to work as part of a team;
excellent written and spoken English language skills.
Advantageous is
international research experience;
experience in proposing and working within publicly funded research projects;
basic knowledge of the German language.
We offer
an excellent research environment and high-end computer and laboratory facilities;
ideal conditions for the own further scientific qualification and professional skill development, including the possibility of a German Habilitation;
great flexibility and freedom within timely and ambitious research activities;
a well-established platform for the scientific exchange and interdisciplinary cooperation within the MAPEX consortium;
an environment characterised by equal opportunity, diversity, and family friendliness according to highest international standards.
As the University of Bremen intends to increase the proportion of female employees in science, women are particularly encouraged to apply. In case of equal personal aptitudes and qualification priority will be given to handicapped applicants. The University of Bremen expressly invites persons with migration background to apply.
The employment is fixed-term and governed by the Act of Academic Fixed-Term Contract (Wissenschaftszeitvertragsgesetz – WissZeitVG). Therefore, candidates may only be considered for appointment if they still have the respective qualification periods available in accordance with § 2 (1) WissZeitVG.
The application is open until the 20th of December 2019 or until the position is filled. Please send your electronic application as one single pdf document including
a motivation letter, in which you make clear why your research and methodological background fits to the advertised position,
your curriculum vitae,
your complete list of publications,
a one-page statement with your future research plans
Prof. Lucio Colombi Ciacchi
MAPEX Center for Materials and Processes, University of Bremen
[email protected]