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Senior postdoc at the Luxembourg Institute of Sc ... (No replies)
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We are inviting applications for a postdoc position at the Nanomaterials and Nanotechnologies (Nano) Unit of the Luxembourg Institute of Science and Technology (LIST). The successful candidate will become a member of the Ferroics Materials for Transducers (FMT) group of the Nano unit, developing theoretical and simulation-based research under the supervision of Jorge Íñiguez.
Most of the work will be related to the fundamental properties and application of ferroelectric and related (piezoelectric, antiferroelectric, multiferroic) materials, in the framework of the world-class activities of the FMT group. The position also involves exploring new opportunities for experiment—theory collaborations with other groups of LIST’s Nano Unit.
Our ideal candidates:
- are experts in atomistic simulations, particularly in DFT-based methods
- have experience working with functional oxides, in particular ferroics
- are able to tackle a wide range of materials and physical phenomena
- are able to interact effectively with scientists of different backgrounds
- are able to independently conceive and carry out a project to completion
- have a team mentality and look forward to thriving in a collaborative environment
The position is for 2 years, with a flexible starting date. We offer competitive salary and an dynamic work environment in one of the most rapidly-growing and best-funded research ecosystems in Europe, with exciting career opportunities.
Interested candidates are welcome to contact Jorge Íñiguez ([email protected]). Please send a complete CV.
Please note: A minimum of two years of previous postdoc experience is required. Applications from less-experienced candidates will be automatically dismissed, without reply.