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Senior Post-Doc, Computational Molecular Plasmon ... (No replies)

8 years ago
s_corni 8 years ago

Three-years senior post-doctoral position (non-tenure track contract researcher) available at the Department of Chemical Sciences, University of Padova (Italy).

The Department of Chemical Sciences of the University of Padova – Italy - plans to advertise a call for a three-years senior postdoctoral position ("Ricercatore a Tempo Determinato di Tipo a - RTDa"*) in Theoretical and Computational Chemistry,  in the framework of the ERC-CoG-2015  TAME - Plasmons project "A Theoretical Chemistry Approach to Time-Resolved Molecular Plasmonics" (PI: Prof. Stefano Corni, ), tentatively starting at the beginning of 2018.


In particular, the Department is interested to hire a scientist expert in the development of theories, models and software for the investigation of optical properties of molecules interacting with plasmonic nanostructures, as well as their application to problems of experimental interest.


Prior to the official selection procedure, the Department would like to obtain an expression of interest by scientists who hold a PhD degree and are expected to satisfy, preferentially, the following criteria: 1) research experience in a group different from that where the PhD was obtained, preferentially demonstrating an attitude towards cross-border mobility; 2) good scientific productivity in the field indicated above; 3) commitment to teach Chemistry at the BSc- and MSc-level; 4) positive attitude towards collaborations, also in view of applying for funding.


Interested individuals are invited to submit within 15th July 2017 their CV and a maximum four-page research project by e-mail to Prof. Michele Maggini, Director of the Department of Chemical Sciences, at [email protected] indicating in the subject line “RTDa application”. A selected number of applicants will be invited, within two weeks after the application deadline, for an interview and a scientific presentation. An overview of the research groups and activities at the Departments of Chemical Sciences could be found here:


*RTDa is a non-tenure track contract researcher position lasting three years with the possibility of a max. 2 years renewal, based on need, funding and performance.

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Ab initio (from electronic structure) calculation of complex processes in materials