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Seaborg Institute Actinide Materials Discovery P ... (No replies)
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Seaborg Institute Actinide Materials Discovery Postdoctoral Associate
Idaho Falls, ID, USA
The Idaho National Laboratory (INL) is seeking a well-qualified Seaborg Institute Postdoctoral Research in Materials Science or Physics or comparable discipline in the Nuclear Science and Technology Division. You will join the modeling and simulation effort to support ongoing and future efforts in the Nuclear Materials Discovery and Qualification initiative (NMDQi). You will focus on interfacing with technical staff on developing workflows to advance INL’s capabilities in modeling actinides; materials characterization (X-ray CT, TEM, XRD, SEM, etc.); and advanced numerical algorithms to discover novel thermal, mechanical and physical properties associated with actinides. Combined experimental, computational, and analytical techniques will be employed to understand actinides under extreme conditions that may include neutron/ion irradiation, corrosion, and/or high-temperature applications. Density functional theory and related computing frameworks and ontologies, for capturing near and longer time and defect-scale simulations of f and d-element material chemistry will be explored.
Full job posting including equal employment opportunity statement, responsibilities and required qualifications available at
Queries should be sent to Jessica Dixon, [email protected]