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Scientific Software Developer: ab-initio grade f ... (No replies)
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Dear colleagues,
may I bring to your attention the opening for a position at Avant-garde Materials Simulation GmbH in Freiburg, Germany as
Scientific Software Developer: ab-initio grade force fields for ionic liquids
We would highly appreciate if you could forward it to your colleagues, students and collaborative institutes that work in the field.
Thank you very much for your support!
Marcus Neumann
Dr Marcus A. Neumann – Founder and Managing Director
Avant-garde Materials Simulation GmbH
Alte Strasse 2
D-79249 Merzhausen, Germany
Our Crystal Structure Prediction software, GRACE, has a module called Force Field Factory for the fully automated generation of tailor-made force field fitted from scratch to ab-initio reference data. As part of a larger, publicly funded research project you will extend Force Field Factory to generate highly accurate force fields for ionic liquids for use with the third-party molecular dynamics programmes LAMMPS and TINKER. For the later, you will implement the mathematics of the AMOEBA force field, which includes atomic polarizabilities and electrostatic multipole moments. Using the new software, you will generate force fields for ionic liquids on a high-performance LINUX cluster, assess their accuracy and document the results in a scientific publication.
Further information
Application procedure
We must have your online application by 10th November 2017.
Apply online at