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Scientific Software Developer (No replies)
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Enthought is currently hiring Scientific Software Developers with a background in computational chemistry. Our developers participate in the development of scientific and technical applications involving GUIs, 2D and 3D graphics, workflow and pipeline architecture, and numerical algorithms for our proprietary products and for customer applications. We currently have openings in Austin (USA) and Cambridge (UK). Some travel may be required.
We are interested both in experienced applicants as well as in recent graduates. Applicants should have a MS, or PhD degree with a strong background in computational chemistry, science and/or mathematics, as well as real experience developing quality software, either commercial or open source. More experienced applicants should also have demonstrated project management skills and the ability to lead a team of strong developers with highly technical backgrounds.
Desired Skills and Capabilities
About Enthought
Enthought was founded in 2001 and is a global leader in scientific software computing, with particular expertise in the Python programming language. Our software products, training solutions and consulting services are used by customers worldwide to accelerate innovation in a broad array of industries. Our clients include the most recognized names and respected brands in technology, finance, energy, consumer products and more. Enthought is a highly collaborative, low hierarchy place. People that thrive at Enthought are passionate about life and work, intellectually curious, dedicated to doing quality work, friendly and fun. Based in Austin, Enthought also has offices in Cambridge (England) and Mumbai (India).
Enthought is an equal opportunity employer.
How to Apply
To apply, please submit your resume and cover letter to [email protected].