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Researchers at Risk Fellowships (UK) (No replies)

2 years ago
pdh 2 years ago

Deadline: 01 Jun 2022 - 18:00 BST (then further deadlines 29 Jun and 20 Jul)
Duration of award: Up to 24 months
Contact details: [email protected]

More information:

The UK National Academies with Cara (the Council for At-Risk Academics) are establishing a Researchers at Risk Fellowships Programme. The Fellowships will cover the natural sciences, medical and health sciences, engineering, humanities, social sciences and the arts with applications made via UK-based institutions.

The Programme is receiving £3 million of government funding from the Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy. The Nuffield Foundation, an independent charitable trust, is contributing £0.5 million towards the scheme.

More about the Programme
The Programme aims to complement and be additional to the work already being done by UK institutions, including through their existing cooperation with Cara as members of Cara Universities Network, enabling them to provide additional two-year fellowships to researchers at risk with funding of circa £37,000 per annum. Researchers and innovators supported through this Programme will be able to take up these temporary fellowships at UK institutions, continue their research, enhance their skills and build long-lasting collaborative links with UK counterparts.

The British Academy is establishing this Researchers at Risk Fellowships Programme, with the support also of the Academy of Medical Sciences, the Royal Academy of Engineering, the Royal Society and Cara. The first priority of the Programme will be as a response to the Russian invasion of Ukraine, which has exposed Ukrainian-based researchers to direct threat. We wish to open the scheme more widely when possible.

Application requirements
Applications must be made by UK-based institutions. See a summary of the requirements that will be needed to complete an application below. All elements must be submitted to be considered within the submission window. Any missing elements will result in the application remaining open for the following submission window.

  • There will need to be a named applicant who the Academy requires to be a member of staff at the UK host institution; a named academic mentor at the same institution; and a named researcher at risk.

  • Information to support an eligibility check on the researcher at risk, including a CV, location of researcher, confirmation of language proficiency, and confirmation that the researcher has not yet been supported by an equivalent scheme.

  • A risk assessment letter provided by Cara.

  • A joint statement from the academic mentor and researcher at risk.

  • An institutional statement including information about the accommodation being offered.

  • A financial statement and justification.

Visas will be required. Currently, in order for the researcher at risk to be able to utilise the Ukrainian Sponsorship Scheme – if this route is chosen – the UK host institution will need to name an individual who will act as the sponsor for the researcher’s visa and meet the requirements of the government’s scheme, including having identified at least six months’ duration of appropriate accommodation. The named sponsor for the visa could be the same (but does not have to be) as the host applicant for this fellowship award or the academic mentor at the UK host institution.

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Ab initio (from electronic structure) calculation of complex processes in materials