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Researcher Position at CEA CADARACHE (No replies)

1 year ago
bouchetj 1 year ago

Job description:

CEA and its nuclear fuel simulation division (SESC) is offering a permanent position to a person willing to join a laboratory whose recognized expertise is centered on the multiscale simulation of solid oxide nuclear fuels. We wish to reinforce the team specialized in the simulation of materials at the atomic scale by an expert in electronic structure calculation.

As a specialist in electronic structure calculations applied to materials containing actinides, you will be responsible for developing this simulation technique.

You will work in support of work carried out at higher scales (molecular dynamics, cluster dynamics, atomic transport model, thermochemistry), with electronic structure calculations representing the basic building block of the multiscale approach.

You will work closely with the experimentalists who characterize the nuclear fuels in the LECA-STAR nuclear facility at Cadarache and Atalante in Marcoule, with whom the electronic structure calculations will be used to analyze the experimental results.

You will be responsible for promoting your activity and your expertise through publications in peer-reviewed journals, participation in conferences, setting up collaborations with internal or external laboratories and student supervision.

You will developp your activity in line with the expectations of the projects and industrial partners who finance our actions.

Required qualifications:

PhD in solid state physics with an experience of 3 to 5 years.

Solid knowledge of electronic structure calculations and codes (Abinit, Vasp...) and preferably applied to actinides systems.

Molecular dynamics simulations, calculations of physical properties at finite temperature, interatomic potential development, points and extended defects, computer programming are desired skills.

Experience in HPC and multiscale simulation would be of great interest.

The candidate must be able to work easily with others, and communicate in English and French, although speaking French is not a prerequisite.

Applicants must provide curriculum vitae, list of publications and patents, two recommendation letters, statement of research experience and accomplishments, letter of motivation that directly addresses how their profile is in lines with the job opening, and any other document that they consider as relevant. CEA is an equal opportunity institute. Apply on the CEA recruitment web platform by connecting to CEA - Chercheur spécialiste en calcul de structure électronique H/F

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Ab initio (from electronic structure) calculation of complex processes in materials