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Research staff position in HPC admin and mainten ... (No replies)

2 years ago
valsson 2 years ago

Dear all, 

The Department of Chemistry ( at the University of North Texas in Denton (Dallas-Fort Worth area), Texas is seeking applicants for a research staff position responsible for the administration and maintenance of the departmental High-Performance Computing (HPC) facility.

We are seeking an individual who has a Ph.D. in Computational/Theoretical Chemistry or a closely related field. Experience managing and maintaining multi-user high-performance computing facilities, and a record of scholarship involving computational chemistry methods, are preferred qualifications. In addition to administering the HPC facility, the selected individual will provide technical support and training for faculty, graduate students, and other researchers who utilize computational chemistry software in their research. 

The application should be submitted via the following link:  

(Posting number F906P)

The start date for the position is flexible but should be no later than October 14, 2022.

The UNT Chemistry HPC clusters provide a core computational resource for the Center for Advanced Scientific Computing and Modeling (CASCaM,, a multi-departmental center which supports research, education, training, and outreach in computational science. As a key staff member supporting CASCaM, the selected individual will interact with diverse faculty, staff and students within the Chemistry department and in other disciplines, supporting a strong tradition of interdisciplinary and collaborative computational research at UNT. The Chemistry Department has recently received a federal grant to upgrade the HPC system with a new hybrid CPU/GPU cluster which will significantly enhance the facility’s computational capabilities. The selected staff member will play a leading role in managing this upgrade and in supporting increased usage as the Chemistry Department seeks to grow its community of computational and theoretical researchers.

See the attached flyer for further information. 

Best regards,

Dr. Omar Valsson

Assistant Professor, Department of Chemistry, University of North Texas




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Ab initio (from electronic structure) calculation of complex processes in materials