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Research Scientist in Quantum ChemInformatics (No replies)
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Research Scientist in Quantum ChemInformatics
The role of Research Scientist in CSIRO is to design innovative solutions leading to scientific achievements that are aligned with CSIRO's strategies. You may be engaged in scientific activity ranging from fundamental research to the investigation of specific industry or community problems. You will have the opportunity to build and maintain networks, play a lead role in securing project funds, provide scientific leadership and pursue new ideas and approaches that create new concepts.
An outstanding opportunity exists for a motivated and skilled Research Scientist to join Data61’s Molecular and Materials Modelling (MMM) Team. MMM is a multi-disciplinary team that develops advanced methods, software, and platforms to enable discovery in computational chemistry and materials science.
This positions will significantly contribute to the development of new features in the CSIRO Molecular/Materials Quantum Monte code (CMQMC), to enhance its abilities and applicability to important problems. It will be responsible for the strategic combination of high-level quantum chemistry with informatics (including machine-learning and related approaches) to model the properties of small molecules relevant to various research domains.
Outcomes will also include the design of novel approaches for managing the large volumes of compute and data that are required for the field, the identification of opportunities for impact, both internal and external, and the engagement and supervision of PhD students. The role requires a highly level of domain knowledge in the development of theoretical chemistry methods.
To view the full position description and selection criteria for this role please click here: Position details document
Location: Docklands, VIC
Salary: AU $92K to AU $100K plus up to 15.4% superannuation
Tenure: Indefinite (permanent)
Ref No.: 38487
How to apply:
To apply for this position you will be required to submit your cover letter and resume, as one document, highlighting your experience as relevant to the role requirements. All applications must be submitted via the online portal.
Apply now
Applications close: 11:59 AEST on Thursday 11th May 2017.