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Research Scientist Digital Catalysis (No replies)
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The Eco-Efficient Products and Processes Laboratory (E2P2L, UMI 3464 CNRS-Solvay) located at the R&I Center of Solvay in Shanghai, China is a unique joint industrial and academic laboratory dedicated to eco-innovation. It was established in 2011 as partnership between Solvay, the French National Center for Scientific Research (CNRS), ENS Lyon, ECNU Shanghai, and the Universities of Fudan and Lille. The Universities of Poitiers and ECUST Shanghai have recently joined the consortium. E2P2L hosts around 15 SOLVAY and CNRS researchers with diverse nationalities and expertise (catalysis, materials, organic chemistry, electrochemistry, interfacial chemistry, and computational chemistry), as well as around 20 PhD candidates, postdoctoral researchers, and interns. Every year, the laboratory publishes 15-20 articles in high-impact journals, and a similar number of patents.
Vacancy description
With increasingly stricter economic, environmental and societal demands, catalysis is a key enabler of sustainable industrial chemistry. However, due to the highly complex nature of the chemical and physical phenomena determining the performance and stability of a catalyst, development cycles are typically very long. The objective of the “Digital Catalysis” project at E2P2L is to reach a breakthrough in catalyst discovery by using a fully data-driven approach combining artificial intelligence techniques, computation, and experimentation.
To support this ambition, we are looking for a research scientist with an outstanding academic record in computational catalysis, and solid experience in applying or developing artificial intelligence tools for catalysis. The successful candidate is expected to:
Candidates should ideally bring 2-5 years of postdoctoral or similar research experience.
Contact: [email protected]