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(Theoretical physicists/chemists/material scientist)
Institute of High Performance Computing (IHPC), Singapore
National University of Singapore
The Materials Science and Chemistry (MSC) department of the Institute of High Performance Computing (IHPC) together with Materials Science and Engineering (MSE) Department of Nanyang Technological University (NTU), invite applications for a Research Fellow position. The successful applicant will conduct research on a 2-year project titled “Electronic Database for inorganic materials: electron and phonon relaxation times”. In this project, a homebuilt software package built upon DFT will be utilized to accurately determine electron relaxation times by accounting for the scattering of acoustic, optical phonons as well as impurities, which will then be used for estimation of electron mobility, conductivity and thermoelectric properties. In addition, strong collaboration with phonon calculation groups is expected, where 3-phonon and 4-phonon scattering is accounted for to estimate the lattice thermal conductivity.
Candidates should possess a PhD degree in either Physics, Chemistry or Materials Science. Applicants must be skilled or familiar with at least one of following techniques: first principle calculations, molecular dynamics, and Boltzmann transport equation methods. Preference will be given to applicants with the knowledges of inorganic materials, working with Materials Project and other open source databases and python. Initial appointments are for two-year terms, which can thereafter be based on performance review and subsequent funding. The remuneration, relocation, and travel budgets are competitive. International candidates are encouraged to apply.
Evaluation of applications will commence immediately, and will continue until the position is filled. The employment will start as soon as possible. Applicants should submit his/her curriculum vitae including education records, working experience, list of publications with three references to (with Job Reference: AMDM) Dr. YANG Shuo-Wang ([email protected]) or Dr. WU Gang ([email protected]). We expect applicants to provide a brief statement of research interests and electronic copies of up to five relevant publications.