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Research Fellow Positions at Korea Institute for ... (No replies)
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Research Fellow Positions at Korea Institute for Advanced Study
[The School of Computational Sciences]
The School of Computational Sciences at Korea Institute for Advanced Study (KIAS) invites applicants for the positions at the level of postdoctoral research fellow in Computational Sciences.
The candidates are required to have or expected to receive their doctoral degrees by starting date at KIAS in the relevant fields for which computational methods are appropriate or even necessary: Cryptography, Data Sciences, Complex networks, Mathematical biology, Protein Folding, Global Optimization, Artificial Intelligence (A.I.), Chip Design, Material Design, Drug Discovery, Quantum Computation & Information Science, Theoretical and Computational Material Science, Theoretical and Computational Biophysics, Soft Matter Physics, Physical Chemistry and Theoretical Chemistry, Combinatorics, Extremal Graph Theory, Random Structure, and Computational Quantum Many-body Theories.
Applicants are expected to have demonstrated exceptional research potential, including major contributions after or through the doctoral dissertation.
The annual salary starts from 46,200,000 Korean Won (approximately US$34,500 at current exchange rate); an individual research grant of 10,000,000 Korean Won and a welfare card will be provided each year. The initial appointment for the position is for two years and is renewable once for up to two years, depending on research performance and the needs of the research program at KIAS.
For the detailed information regarding salary and research grant, Please refer to KIAS Employment information website. (School of Comp.Sci)
Applications must include (1) a curriculum vitae, (2) a list of publications, (3) a research plan, and (4) 3 letters of recommendation.
All documents, prepared in English, should be submitted through KIAS recruitment webpage <> by June 30, 2024.
※ KIAS complies with the [EQUAL EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY AND WORK-FAMILY BALANCE ASSISTANCE ACT]. Women and minorities are strongly encouraged to apply.