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RESEARCH FELLOW POSITION at IHPC, Singapore (The ... (No replies)
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The Materials Science and Engineering Department of Institute of High Performance Computing (IHPC, Singapore), invite applications for a Research Fellow position in Singapore.
- A PhD degree in Chemistry, Materials Science, Physics or equivalent.
- Applicants must be skilled or familiar with at least one of following techniques: first principle calculations, molecular dynamics simulations, computational catalysis methods, surface science, heterogeneous catalysis, solid state physics as well as the knowledge of Linux/UNIX operating systems.
- Applicants should submit his/her curriculum vitae including education records, working experience, list of publications with three references to
Dr. Yang Shuo-Wang ([email protected]).
We expect applicants to provide a brief statement of research interests and electronic copies of relevant publications.
Successful applicants will conduct research on a four-year project titled “Hybrid Thermoelectric (TE) Materials for Ambient Applications”. In this project, polymer-based novel TE materials possessing excellent figure of merit, ZT and long-term thermal stability will be developed. Therefore, the applicants with the experience in organic material or polymers researches are preferred.
IHPC is a research institute under the Agency for Science, Technology and Research (A*STAR), IHPC promotes and spearheads scientific advances and technological innovations through computational modelling, simulation and visualisation methodologies and tools. (see
The Agency for Science, Technology and Research (A*STAR) drives mission-oriented research that advances scientific discovery and technological innovation in Singapore. A*STAR play a key role in nurturing and developing talent and leaders for our Research Institutes, the wider research community, and industry.