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Research Fellow in Electronic and Thermoelectric ... (No replies)
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A research Fellow position is available at the School of Engineering, University of Warwick in the group of Neophytos Neophytou ([email protected]) as part of the EU Horizon 2020 ERC Starting Grant NANOthermMA Project to investigate the thermoelectric transport properties of advanced materials using Density Function Theory (DFT), quantum and semiclassical electronic transport simulations, and inverse design machine learning optimization techniques. The post addresses aspects of electronic transport in nanostructured and complex bandstructure materials modelling and simulation, particularly with the aim of developing design principles for advanced materials with enhanced thermoelectric power factors. Specific objectives are (a) employing DFT to explore the thermoelectric potential of complex materials, (b) employing existing quantum and semiclassical transport codes and further developing their capabilities and performance; (c) analysing experimental data and providing guidance for the design and optimisation of the materials’ thermoelectric performance and (d) employing optimisation, machine learning and inverse design techniques for the design and optimisation of the materials’ thermoelectric performance.
Applicants are expected to have experience performing DFT calculations, large scale transport simulations (quantum mechanical and/or semiclassical) using appropriate materials’ bandstructures and analysing their results, as well as proven scientific software development skills. Ideally you will have a PhD degree in Physics or Electrical Engineering, and have strong experience with semiconductor physics.
For further details, and to complete a full application, please use the link below: