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Research Fellow in computational materials chemi ... (No replies)

Michelle Spencer
6 years ago
Michelle Spencer 6 years ago

Research Fellow Position at RMIT University AustraliaA Research Fellow position is available in the group of Associate Professor Michelle Spencer in the School of Science, RMIT University, Australia:

Details can be found at:

Applicants must hold a PhD in chemistry, physics, or related field. Experience in performing density functional theory calculations and ab initio molecular dynamics simulations using the Vienna ab initio Simulation Package (VASP) and other related density functional theory (DFT) codes is required. Ability to calculate the structure, properties and surface reactions of materials and nanomaterials for applications as batteries, sensors and electronic devices is necessary. The candidate must demonstrate expertise in performing calculations using high performance supercomputing facilities and performing data analysis related to VASP calculations.

The appointment is a full time, fixed term position until December 2020, subject to performance. Salary will be $AUD92,815 - $AUD110,220 p.a. + 17% Superannuation.

For further information please contact Associate Professor Michelle Spencer on +61 3 9925 9697 or to view a position description visit and search using job reference number 563052.

Applications close on Thursday 5th April 2018.

Applicants are requested to separately address the key selection criteria as outlined in the Position Description and APPLY ONLINE at:

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Ab initio (from electronic structure) calculation of complex processes in materials