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Research Fellow and multiple PhD students for ER ... (No replies)
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Dear colleagues,
I would be grateful if you could please bring the following to the attention of interested candidates:
Applications are being accepted for one (potentially long-term) Research Fellow and multiple PhD students to join the group of Dr Dermot Green at Queen’s University Belfast, Northern Ireland, United Kingdom, to deliver the European Research Council funded project "ANTI-ATOM: many-body theory of antimatter interactions with atoms, molecules and condensed matter” (Feb 2019 — Feb 2024). For a brief introduction to this rich, multidisciplinary research area please see here (includes references to our leading work in the field).
1. RESEARCH FELLOW (3-years with possible extension to Feb 2024, salary £33,199 - £39,610, closing date 18/02/2019, starting date ASAP thereafter)
The Research Fellow will be expected to incorporate positrons into a state-of-the-art many-body theory based electronic structure code (e.g., EXCITON or YAMBO, both currently capable of electronic GW and Bethe-Salpeter calculations), to enable ab initio calculations of positron interactions (scattering, binding and annihilation) with molecules and condensed matter. They may also be expected to develop the computational approaches (e.g., implementing diagrammatic Monte Carlo) within the context of antimatter-matter interactions. For further details and to submit an application (requires CV and names of two referees) go to:
2. TWO FULLY-FUNDED PhD PROJECTS (to start October 2019, though earlier possible)
Project 1: Many-body theory of positron interactions with molecules or condensed matter.
Project 2: Development of many-body-theory methods for positron-atom interactions.
Full funding (stipend+fees) for 4 years will be available to EU nationals for one project. Full funding for 3-years will be available to UK nationals/3+ year UK residents for the other project. Graduates of another university may be eligible for an enhanced stipend through the Purser Studentship prize. Applications will be accepted until the positions have been filled, thus interested candidates should contact Dr Green ([email protected]) ASAP.
The successful candidates will join the Antimatter and Atomic Many-body Theory Group (led by Dr Dermot Green and Dr Gleb Gribakin) in the Centre for Theoretical, Atomic and Molecular Physics at Queen’s University Belfast. Queen’s has a strong tradition of world-leading research in theoretical and computational atomic physics, and we presently have intensive research efforts in quantum many-body physics in various contexts. Collaboration with a number of internationally leading groups in Ireland, UK, Germany, USA and Australia is envisaged.
Belfast is the capital city of Northern Ireland, United Kingdom. It was named as Lonely Planet's top international destination in 2018. Its two airports have connections to many European cities. Belfast is ~100 miles from Dublin, a major international airport.
Best regards,
Dermot Green
Dr Dermot G. Green
Reader in Applied Mathematics and Theoretical Physics
School of Mathematics and Physics
Queen’s University Belfast, BT7 1NN
Northern Ireland, United Kingdom
Tel: 02890 90971935 (UK)
Tel: +44 2890 90971935 (International)
ERC Starting Grant ANTI-ATOM