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Research Associate position in Division of Theo ... (No replies)

8 years ago
crljen 8 years ago

Research Associate (full time, permanent position) in Division of Theoretical Physics, Rudjer Boskovic Institute, Zagreb, Croatia

Applications are invited for a Research Associate position at the Division of Theoretical Physics, Condensed Matter and Statistical Physics Group, of the Rudjer Boskovic Institute, Zagreb, Croatia. We seek an active researcher with expertize in the calculation of electronic structure and transport properties of surfaces and adsorbates. Our recent focus is the investigation of the properties of graphene and its allotropes and spin and charge transport of nanoscale structures, molecular junctions and nanolayers with the methods based on density functional theory and its recent advances (vdW-DF) and noneguilibrium Green's function technique.

The candidate is expected to complement and strengthen the research activities with regard to the research topics of the group. Possible collaborations within our departement would include DFT specialists interested in finite temperature calculations and complex systems specialists interested in application of discrete systems to biological and computer science problems. Suitable candidate should be able to demonstrate: strong commitments to high-quality research, substantial experience in modeling and calculations of electronic structure (through the published papers in the leading scientific journals), computational skills in density functional based electronic structure codes (programming skills are welcome), postdoctoral experience and good written and oral English language communication skills.

The closing date is March 3, 2016.

To apply, please follow the instructions on EURAXESS portal

The applicants who have earned their higher educational qualifications outside Croatia require additional documents and actions. For additional details please contact Prof. Zeljko Crljen ([email protected]) or Dr. Predrag Lazic ([email protected] ).

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Ab initio (from electronic structure) calculation of complex processes in materials