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Research Associate: Materials Simulation Scienti ... (No replies)
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An exciting opportunity to accelerate your career has become available for a highly qualified and motivated individual to work on an Innovate UK funded, collaborative Knowledge Transfer Partnership (KTP) project between BP Exploration Operating Company Limited and the UCL Department of Physics and Astronomy.
The main duty of the post-holder is to lead and successfully deliver the Knowledge Transfer Partnership between UCL and BP to found a novel BP ‘Digital Lab’ by transferring and embedding advanced computer simulation capabilities that enable new solutions to be found for enduring and contemporary challenges in oil and gas production. The successful candidate will work closely with Prof Angelos Michaelides (UCL Physics) and Prof Alberto Striolo (UCL Chemical Engineering) to apply state-of-the-art computer simulation techniques to solve fundamental chemistry and physics challenges faced by BP. These challenges include, but are not limited to, the design of innovative fluids to enhance production and the identification of novel strategies to maximise production while minimising environmental impact.
The project is ideal for a theoretical chemist/physicist looking to transition into industrial research. For more information see: