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Research Associate in the Department of Physics ... (No replies)

[email protected]
7 years ago
[email protected] 7 years ago

Applications are welcome for a post-doctoral position to develop new simulation tools (density functional tight binding and kinetic Monte Carlo based) to study corrosion at the atomic scale. Deadline for submissions is 12th October 2017.

This post holder will be situated in the Department of Physics at King’s College London, and will be part of the Thomas Young Centre (, a world leading organisation spanning four universities across London which focuses on the study of materials properties and behaviour through the application of theory and computer simulation.

A team spanning King’s College London and Imperial College is setting about transforming our ability to simulate corrosion at the atomic scale. This will be achieved by introducing methods that have not existed until now. You will help develop, deliver, and demonstrate the methods and computer codes that will make this possible. This will involve: developing open boundary molecular dynamics; building parameter sets to study the aqueous corrosion of Ti; computing key electrochemical quantities; investigating standard non-equilibrium electrochemistry results; building and applying a kinetic Monte Carlo code for localised corrosion; supporting the research of PhD students. We emphasise the team nature of this project. We particularly welcome applications from female and black and minority ethnic candidates as they are under-represented in the University at this level.

To apply, please go to

The selection process will include competency based questions and a panel interview.

If you have questions about this role, please contact: Professor Tony Paxton, Email: [email protected]

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Ab initio (from electronic structure) calculation of complex processes in materials