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Research Associate in Novel Enhanced Sampling Me ... (No replies)
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A postdoctoral researcher position is available in my group for a two-year research project with the possibility of further extension. We will develop novel theoretical frameworks using kinetic network models and modern machine learning algorithms to enhance sampling in biomolecular simulations. Specifically, the project will focus on developing new algorithms to identify the active site geometries in phosphate catalytic enzymes. This is a highly interdisciplinary project that will enable fundamental advances in molecular simulations and also in a broad area of data-driven sciences. Candidates with experience in molecular modeling, statistical physics and a strong programming background are encouraged to apply.
To find out more about the position please contact me at [email protected]
The deadline for applications is midnight on 1 July 2018. Please apply via the following link:
King's College London - Chemistry
Location: London
Salary: £33,518 to £39,992 per annum, plus £2,923 per annum London Allowance
Hours: Full Time
Contract Type: Fixed-Term/Contract
Closes: 1st July 2018
Job Ref: R6/CCH/0995/18-BW