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Research associate in computational chemistry IN ... (No replies)

8 years ago
liviuzarbo 8 years ago

Dear colleagues,

The hydrogen storage group at INCDTIM Cluj-Napoca, Romania is looking for a candidate with a strong background in computational chemistry. The appointment will start as soon as the suitable candidate is found and will end on 30-th September 2017. The project involves ab initio study of gas adsorption on porous systems (e.g. metal-organic frameworks -- MOFs). Depending on the performance of the candidate, the appointment can be extended after 2017, as the group seeks to boost its theory capabilities.

The ideal candidate will have a PhD in theoretical physics and chemistry, or related fields. The candidate should be familiar with quantum chemistry software such as TURBOMOLE, NwChem, Abinit, CRYSTAL, etc. An added plus is if the candidate is able to perform Monte Carlo simulations of adsorption in complex structures such as MOFs. Familiarity with SAPT(DFT ) would also be helpful. The candidate should be reasonably proficient in programming.

The deadline for the application is set for 15-th March. However, we will receive applications after the deadline if we are unable to find a suitable candidate. The applicants should first email a CV to Liviu Zarbo ([email protected]). 

Best regards,

Liviu Zarbo

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Ab initio (from electronic structure) calculation of complex processes in materials