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Research Assistant in Computational Materials Sc ... (No replies)
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Research Assistant in Computational Materials Science, University of Huddersfield
£26,737 - £32,848
Fixed term appointment for 15 months, Full time, Ref: R3515
Applications are invited for a research position within the materials modelling group of Dr Marco Molinari in the Department of Chemistry at the University of Huddersfield.
You will carry out computational studies of metal oxide nanoparticles for biomedical applications. This work will link up with collaborative studies of Dr Dean Sayle (University of Kent) and Prof. Sudipta Seal (University of Central Florida, US), and is part of the EPSRC Grant on Computational Design and Engineering of Metal Oxide Nanozymes.
The research project will apply advanced computational techniques based on Density Functional Theory to study surface composition, stability, and catalytic activities of metal oxide materials for biomedical applications.
The post is funded by EPSRC. It is available for a period of 15 months and will start on 1 June 2018 or soon thereafter. You should have, or be about to obtain, or received notification of unconditional approval of a PhD in computational chemistry, physics, materials science or a related discipline.
Experience in computational materials science (or other relevant disciplines), and Density Functional Theory are essential requirements for this role.
Informal enquiries regarding the vacancy can be made to Dr Marco Molinari, phone: (0044) 01484-472973, email: [email protected], ORCID:
For further details about this post and to make an application please visit
Closing Date: 12 March 2018, Interview Date: 10 April 2018