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Regular and Senior Postdoctoral Positions at ICT ... (No replies)
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"Ludwig Boltzmann" Senior Postdoctoral Fellowship and Regular Postdoctoral Fellowships available at ICTP
ICTP seeks applications for postdoctoral positions starting Fall 2018 from outstanding young scientists of any nationality with a strong research record. Also a Ludwig Boltzmann senior postdoctoral fellowship is available for candidates who should have at least one previous postdoctoral experience and very active and independent research in their own area. Women are particularly encouraged to apply.
With about 30 group members (faculty, visitors, postdocs and graduate students), an intense programme of workshops and conferences, and close collaborations with local scientific institutions such as SISSA, Elettra, and the University of Trieste, the CMSP group provides a vibrant international research environment for junior scientists. Postdoctoral fellows are also encouraged, and supported, to participate in activities in developing countries in order to promote the mission of ICTP.
For details on research areas please visit the CMSP web page.
More information about the openings is available at the following link:
Application deadline: 15 January 2018