Job announcements relevant to people interested in electronic structure calculations…
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R&D engineer position for ab-initio simulati ... (No replies)
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Dear all
We have an R&D engineer position for person with strong background in first-principles methodology along with programming using C++ and experience in applying machine learning algorithms for optimizing throughput.
Please find a short description of the position below. In case you are interested, please visit the Synopsys careers page (here) and search for job ID: 14496BR, and complete the application.
Good luck.
Job Description:
Develop innovative first-principles-based tools and methodologies to generate and characterize the geometric, electronic and thermal/mechanical attributes of nanostructured material systems and
devices of interest to the semiconductor industry. This work will include extensive hands-on software development, as well as opportunities to design and code novel machine learning and related optimization algorithms which will be used to extract parameters and patterns from large datasets
Software engineering background, including knowledge of version control systems (e.g., GIT), debugging/profiling tools (e.g., valgrind) are strongly preferred.