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Quantum Chemical Postdoctoral Researcher (No replies)

2 years ago
ssimpson 2 years ago

This NSF Funded position is for a postdoctoral scholar who will using quantum chemical simulations to investigate the interaction of molecules with metal surfaces, mentor undergraduate researchers, and teach courses in the General Chemistry sequence.  We are seeking individuals who are interested in having a future position at primarily undergraduate institution (PUI).  Candidates do not have to have experience in computations, but those with experience will be given preference.  Publications and presentations are expected to result from the work supported by the grant.  This position is split 50/50 for teaching and research.

Instructional: (50%)

  • Teaching, including the preparation of course syllabi and classes, the preparation and grading of examinations, the supervision of laboratories and other practica, and the direction of theses, honor projects, and independent study work.
  • The maximum instructional load for the scholar during the academic year is six (6) contact hours in each of the Fall and Spring semesters.

Research (50%)

  • Develop computer models and simulations of chemical processes and entities
  • Be familiar with quantum chemical software packages such as VASP, Turbomole, GAMESS, etc
  • Use Molecular Orbital Theory to explain natural phenomena
  • Add to the scientific body of research by writing scientific research articles
  • Perform and interpret statistical analysis of large datasets
  • Create visual representations of reaction pathways, molecular interactions, or other phenomena
  • Collaborate with laboratory researchers in industrial, nonprofit, government, or academic laboratories
  • Help develop synthesis processes by identifying and characterizing reaction pathways and identifying the most likely products  
  • Apply new software and hardware capabilities for data collection and analysis
  • Design of experiments
  • Work with and mentor undergraduate researchers
  • Publications and presentations are expected to result from the work supported by the grant.

Additional Responsibilities:

  • Additional duties as assigned by the Principle Investigator


Typical Qualifications

Ph.D. in chemistry, or demonstrate that they will be able to successfully defend their dissertations by no later than August 2022.  Ability to successfully pass a criminal background check.

2+ Years of teaching experience as an instructor or teaching assistant

Apply at the link below:

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Ab initio (from electronic structure) calculation of complex processes in materials