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Psi-k: PhD position in Theoretical Physics (Univ ... (No replies)

3 years ago
steinc 3 years ago

Dear Psi-k community,

I would like to announce an opening for a fully funded PhD position (75% TVL-E13) in my group in the Faculty of Physics at the University Duisburg-Essen, Germany, starting February 2022.

We will develop semiempirical electronic-structure models for structure exploration in energy materials. The project will include the implementation of extensions to existing density-functional tight-binding approaches and an automated parameter optimization based on accurate reference data. This project is supported by the return fellowship of the state of North-Rhine Westphalia.

Further information can be found under this link


or on my website


We are looking for a highly motivated PhD student (m/f/d) with an excellent Masters degree (< 1.5 in the German system, A-level equivalent) in physics, chemistry or a related field. Knowledge of electronic-structure theory and excellent English communication skills are required. Previous programming experience and basic knowledge of electronic-structure programs such as Q-Chem, Orca or VASP are desired. The project is focused on method development rather than applications of electronic-structure calculations.

Applications with reference number 960-21 containing a detailed motivation letter, CV, transcripts of records, diplomas and a recommendation letter should be sent as a single pdf directly to me (email can be found in the linked pdf). The deadline for the application is December 19th, 2021.

I would be grateful if you pass this on to qualified potential candidates.

Best regards,

Christopher Stein

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Ab initio (from electronic structure) calculation of complex processes in materials