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Professorship (W3) in Materials Design: Stuttgar ... (No replies)

Johannes Kaestner
9 years ago
Johannes Kaestner 9 years ago

The Institute of Materials Science in the Faculty of Chemistry at the University of Stuttgart invites applications
for a

Professorship (W3)
in Materials Design

Applicants are expected to be able to teach the basics
of materials science and the theory and simulation of
materials at both undergraduate and graduate levels of
the B.Sc./M.Sc. program “Materials Science”, as well as
other science and engineering courses at the University
of Stuttgart.

The research activities are expected to complement the
materials research conducted at the university as well
as at the affiliated institutes in Stuttgart. The successful
candidate should significantly strengthen the existing
research focus on Materials and Functional Molecules
of the Chemistry Department as well as on New Mate-
rials pursued by the University of Stuttgart at large.
Candidates should have a strong track record of excellence in research and of success in obtaining external
funding. Preferred research programs may include the
simulation and modelling of new complex nanostructured, adaptive or hybrid materials, ab-initio based
methods of materials engineering in collaboration with
experimentalists or multi-scale modelling and prediction
of thermodynamic, mechanic, electronic, chemical and
optical properties and their possible technical application.

The requirements for employment listed in § 47 and § 50 Baden-Württemberg University Law apply.

Please send your application to Prof. Dr. Cosima
Stubenrauch, Dean of the Faculty of Chemistry, University of Stuttgart, Pfaffenwaldring 55, D-70569 Stuttgart,
Germany. To ensure full consideration of your application, all documents (CV, diplomas, short presentation
of the scientific and teaching career, structured list of
publications with up to three reprints, track record of
research grants, and a short statement on current and
planned research activities) should be received by
February 15th, 2016 (as one PDF document to [email protected]).

The University of Stuttgart has established a Dual
Career Program to offer assistance to partners of those
moving to Stuttgart. For more information, please visit
the web page under

The University of Stuttgart is an equal opportunity employer.
Applications from women are strongly encouraged. Severely
challenged persons will be given preference in case of equal

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Ab initio (from electronic structure) calculation of complex processes in materials